Roberto Hroval on His Life, Technology, and the Future of Science (Part 1/2)

As the world grapples with significant issues like climate change, energy shortages, and environmental degradation, a small revolution is quietly underway in Europe. Themis Ecosystem (TE), founded and led by Roberto Hroval, offers an interdisciplinary solution with the potential for wide-ranging benefits. We’ve previously covered TE in-depth, but today, we present the first part of an exclusive interview with the founder. The insightful researcher, serial entrepreneur, innovator, and visionary shares his thoughts on business, life, innovation, and scientific development.

The New York Ledger: “You are a man of many talents. As the head of TE, you manage and coordinate numerous significant projects. How do you find the time to invent and produce such diverse things—from building the world’s most advanced biomass factory and creating your own commodities exchange to producing organic food and engaging in charitable projects? Do you even sleep?”


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