If we described what is going on right now in one sentence, we would say: Everything is accelerating and moving to a much higher level. All activities are in full-speed mode! Many things that we have planned for 2024/2025 will come to place in Q4 this year.
Highly skilled teams that took over some activities work hard in parallel to our activities so we can remain focused on our priorities.
One of the most important things in progress is our new construction site. It builds some extra credibility for the whole Themis Ecosystem’s environment because things are becoming more tangible. This gives us the impetus to go on even more enthusiastically.
Excellent organization, sharp focus, and skilled team are a lever to finish all given goals in Q4 this year!
Who says that something is impossible?
Our construction site for the first factory we are building in congruence with the Themis Ecosystem’s environment, rules, and vision is in full progress.
The machinery is already here; we’ve sent you some photos a while ago. Now, we are in the final phase – a super-fast building, constructing, and assembling.
We are planning to add a diamond-making module and a vertical farming module. The state-of-the-art machinery was tested concurrently and it’s already prepared for a takeover.
Another module that will be shipped to us – that should happen in Q4 as well – is a public antistress capsule known as Asclepius8 technology. We are planning to put this module on the streets of big cities, offering antistress therapies to everyone, for free.
Together with the new factory kick-off, this activity will give the projects, Industrial Tokens (iTos), etc., an even bigger boost; in several ways.
Performing some key activities simultaneously, we managed to skip two years of research, development, and testing. Why we accelerated all that work? We are planning to launch these projects simultaneously – as one big launch – for international recognition and additional credibility.
Trading iTos comes in two phases
Our original plans for Online Industrial Exchange (OIX) were based on trading iTos digitally, via an online platform. It has been built, tested, and is waiting for a public launch.
However, we honestly didn’t expect so positive “offline” reaction from the markets. That has brought us the possibility to speed up the seven-year iTo price development down to just one year.
That way, a so-called intermediate phase was introduced. Going through it right now, we get great feedback that will help us better predict price movements before we open OIX for mass trading. We would like to learn all the possibilities, responses, market reactions, etc.
The point is that we expect a big rush to buy iTos after opening a digital exchange. We would like to be 100 percent prepared, give everyone a chance to trade, and prevent OIX to crash.
What does that additional phase mean to you? Nothing especially. You will be able to trade your iTos as planned during the current “offline” phase or in phase two when a digital OIX will be launched. You will be notified about everything at the right time, so no need to worry about anything.
The price of PP8 iTos and a new global reality
When comes to trading iTos, things are performing way better than we imagined. We predicted around 20% growth yearly but the price has exceeded 30x growth already.
As we informed the media in the last article, the price of PP8 iTo was $6,40. Now is even higher.
It is no wonder, though. Both components of the iTo – the price of the product (green electricity) and the price of CO2 reduction – are in high demand. During the speed-up of global digitalization, electrification, power independence, global warming reduction, etc., a new reality was born.
However, according to our analysis, we assume that the price of electricity and other products will not hold the recent highs. But it will not go down back to the previous low levels either.
So the future is great! As always, thanks for staying with us. Watch out for even greater news shortly.